Amman protests urge global condemnation of occupation and US support

Amman protests urge global condemnation of occupation and US support 005
(Photos: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — On Friday, despite rain and cold weather, several demonstrations took place across the Kingdom. In Amman, protestors were calling to end the siege on Gaza and support it through relief efforts. It also called on the US to end its support for Israel and strongly condemned the large role it has played in aiding the occupation. اضافة اعلان

Protestors stated that the US is supplying Israel with weapons and hindering the international community's will, which calls for a ceasefire, Al-Ghad reported.

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Expressing deep concern over the ongoing blockade of the Gaza Strip and the resulting starvation of its residents, the participants urged Arab countries and the international community to take effective measures to break the siege. They stressed the importance of supporting Gaza with humanitarian, medical, and relief aid.

In addition to these demands, the participants called on the government to sever all ties with the occupation and cancel gas agreements, and the Wadi Araba agreements. They also urged for the expulsion of the US Ambassador to Jordan as well and for the cancellation of expulsion of the US ambassador from Jordan and the cancellation of the Mutual Defense Agreement with the US.

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