56 million historical documents archived countrywide — CSPD

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Director General of the Civil Status and Passports Department (CSPD), Fahd Amoush, said 55, 913, 631 historical documents had been archived in the department's files at its headquarters and the governorates, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra. اضافة اعلان

In his interview with "Petra on Saturday, he said the CSPD's historical document e-archiving project is "continuing," lauding the effort of the department's employees in this regard.

Amoush stressed the importance of the project in preserving and documenting the department's files and documents electronically and safeguarding Jordan's national memory for future generations.

The files in the CSPD head office were "fully" archived, in addition to Balqa', Ma'an, and Mafraq governorates, he pointed out.

On future projects, Amoush said work is underway to archive documents in central Zarqa city, adding similar plans will be "completed successively" in other governorates.

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