Two thirds of Americans disapprove of Bidens Gaza policy

joe biden
US President Joe Biden. (Photo: Twitter/X)
NEW YORK – An opinion poll conducted by the Pew Research Center, published on Friday, showed that only a third of Americans approve of the policy pursued by US President Joe Biden towards the war waged by the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip, while the division appeared clear among Democrats.اضافة اعلان

The American website Politico published the conclusions of the Pew Center poll, which was conducted during the period between November 27 and December 3, 2023, and included the opinions of 5,203 adults from all over America.

The poll shows that 46 percent of young people under the age of 30 expressed their rejection of Biden’s policy towards the war between Israel and the Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza, while 19 percent of them approved of it.

For their part, 51 percent Republicans whose opinions were reviewed opposed Biden's way of dealing with the war, while only 28 percent approved of it.

But Democrats seemed more divided, as 44 percent of respondents approved of Biden's way of dealing with the war, while 33 percent opposed his method, while 22 percent were unsure of their positions.

The Politico website indicated that these results show increasing sympathy among young people towards the Palestinians, and the website added that the poll results are “an ominous sign for Biden as the presidential elections approach.”

Since the start of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip on October 7, the Biden administration has supported the occupation diplomatically and militarily, and the Israeli occupation announced, on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, that it had received more than 10,000 tons of military equipment from the United States of America, since the beginning of the war on the Gaza Strip.

The American Wall Street Journal also reported, in a report published on Friday, December 1, 2023, citing American officials, that the United States provided Israel with large bunker-busting bombs, among tens of thousands of other weapons and artillery shells, to help in the war and the occupation of the Gaza Strip.

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