Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: It may be easier to tie a strong knot when you know the ropes. Your knowledge and experience can function as the catalyst to bring you and a loved one even closer together. Your charm could turn a friendship into something more.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: You may have thought things were going well, but the universe could be dropping unseen obstacles in your path. If you happen to stumble over them, keep your eye on your purpose and ultimate goals to help get you there.

GEMINI: You may be hearing just what you want to hear and learning what it means to be the object of someone’s affections. Tolerance of other’s opinions can create a perfect environment to increase understanding and harmony.

CANCER: Do your best to stay up to date with the changes in your financial health. Occasional difficulties may happen, but try to keep a level head if they do. Be aware of any unneeded overspending on a whim.

LEO: Finding your place in the grand scheme of things may require testing things out until you find the place that is a perfect fit. You do not need to ride in the back seat, but you might not be in control of the wheel either.

VIRGO: If you trust someone to manage your finances, you need to have faith in their abilities. You might take comfort from your regular routines, but a break from the ordinary can refresh and invigorate your spirits.

LIBRA: If you decide to clear out things that no longer serve you, false assumptions should be at the top of the list. A relationship could be feeling stretched thin by money issues or insistence on transactional interactions.

There may be some issues that can function as a hidden booby trap that could throw you out of balance during a discussion with a partner or loved ones. Respect other people’s opinions even if they seem frustrating.

SAGITTARIUS: Carve out your own creative niche. Find something entertaining to do that gives you a chance to flex your talents and socialize as well. Doing something out of the ordinary could offer you a pleasant change.

CAPRICORN: You might be feeling more attractive than usual right now, especially where money or power are concerned. Your passion for success or a desire for intimacy may be playing out in public rather than in private.

AQUARIUS: It could be time for a change, but sometimes change can be disruptive, so be prepared. Give things a test drive, but avoid giving in to the temptation to make large purchases without a safety net in place.

PISCES: You may be reassured by familiar rituals, but right now you might need to be willing to adjust to change. Your working environment could involve frequent interruptions. Learn to supervise any technological innovations.

IF AUGUST 14 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Romance might fill your heart as the coming week unfolds, so this might be a time to plan or take a vacation or to work on creative projects. You could have extra energy and can set an excellent example or show off your leadership skills in early September. In late September, daydreams could become the center of attention, and a romantic rendezvous can have you floating on cloud nine, but you could misread the fine print of an agreement or investment. Sit on your hands and do not start new projects in late October and early November when your business sense is askew and unexpected events can turn your plans upside down. Focus on constructive activities in December, but wait until the dust settles around emerging situations to make major changes.

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