Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: People mean well more often than not. A clumsy turn of phrase could be amplified and can be taken as an insult. Avoid misunderstandings by doing your best to remember who is talking and what they may actually mean.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: The world may be telling you who to be or how things should be done. Ignore them and continue to do your best. Great people and worthy deeds are not created with a cookie cutter; remain yourself as often as you can.

Try not to take investment advice from people who do not have the greatest financial history. Do as much research as you can to get the best results. Take care of current obligations before chasing risky new tips.

CANCER: Traits that can be charming in childhood might not be as helpful in adulthood. You may be required to prove your abilities with credentials or be asked to increase your established skill set on demand to find success.

LEO: Remain true to your word whenever possible. Breaking promises may mean there could be fewer people there to catch you if you should fall. Avoid playing mind games and you can rally a loyal fan base to your causes.

VIRGO: You could find yourself surrounded by people brimming with ideas to improve efficiency that may not be possible once beyond the brainstorming stage. Consider carefully what could actually work and implement those parts.

LIBRA: Give your ideas a once over and examine the long-term consequences before making a final decision. Will you still be happy with your choice in 10 years, or grow to regret them? Look at things with a logical eye when possible.

SCORPIO: A coworker might realize they need assistance, and you could be the one who could help them remember the steps they have forgotten. Now may not be the time to teach new tricks; instead remain fixed on tried-and-true methods.

SAGITTARIUS: There is no shame or weakness in accepting help if you need it. Even the most skilled and highly trained professionals could have a subject that escapes them. You can be the one who helps others succeed as well.

CAPRICORN: Recognize your value and the rewards you rightly deserve. In school, you may have received gold stars from the teacher but now you are old enough to earn and display your own stickers on your lapel like a badge of honor.

AQUARIUS: It may be time to pay attention to practical advice from a loyal friend you have been ignoring. Give your finances a look over and work toward balancing your books and making the decisions needed to build your savings.

PISCES: True courage is being afraid of something but doing it anyway. You can hide the butterflies in your stomach when you ask important questions. Smile, straighten your crown and you may find you have been courageous all along.

IF JULY 11 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Romance might be a prime motivator as the next two to three weeks unfold. You could gravitate toward imaginative and inspiring activities, such as a weekend getaway with a loved one. Write down your fabulous ideas but avoid new investments and financial schemes in August when your business instincts are out of sync. You may yearn for more attention and demonstrations of loyalty as September approaches but may experience misunderstandings with loved ones if you are too demanding. The end of October or early November, when your common sense is likely enhanced, could be a suitable time to make changes and decisions that could affect your financial security. Late January can be an enjoyable time to escape from an unhealthy relationship or leave an unrewarding job.

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