Dialogue held in Irbid on driving and cell phone use

person using phone while driving
(Photo: Unsplash)
AMMAN — The Kafr Saum Youth Center in Irbid Governorate organized a dialogue session via Zoom on traffic accidents and the use of cellular devices, with the participation of 20 young women from the center.اضافة اعلان

During the session, lawyer Ahmed Talib Obeidat spoke about traffic accidents caused by people being on their phones, and how to reduce the risk having an accident.

Obeidat pointed to an increase in the number of people using their phones while driving, especially young people.

Obeidat said that using cell phones and driving at high speeds are the most significant factors contributing to an annual increase in traffic accidents, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.

A detailed dialogue took place among participants and lecturers about the causes of traffic accidents and ways to reduce them.

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