TRC, SpaceX delegation hold discussions, hope to strike partnerships

(Photo: Shutterstock)
AMMAN — Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) board of commissioners Bassam Al-Sarhan said that the commission is working to remove all obstacles in order to attract foreign investment to the Jordanian telecommunication market in a way that ensures that the best services are provided to beneficiaries, in accordance with the Royal vision aimed at developing and strengthening the sector, Al-Mamlaka TV reported.اضافة اعلان

TRC endeavors to create an investment-encouraging environment through appropriate legislation and options, to meet beneficiaries’ needs.

Meeting with a delegation of the American SpaceX company, Sarhan said that the commission is seeking to achieve a genuine partnership with the private sector and those who wish to invest in the Jordanian telecommunication sector, which is one of the most promising in the Middle East.

Members of the delegation expressed interest in offering their services to the Jordanian telecommunication sector.

SpaceX is one of the leading internet service providers; the company operates a constellation of satellites to provide internet connectivity.

Sarhan urged more targeted meetings and presenting to all external entities wishing to invest in the Jordanian telecommunications sector the investment and incentives provided by the concerned authorities, with a view to establishing real partnerships that contribute to the development of the business environment. 

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