Amr stresses importance of solving investment challenges

Ministry of Investment
(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Minister of Investment Khairy Amr stressed the importance of Jordan's development and industrial zones, which seek to create job opportunities countrywide, calling on examining the challenges facing the investment environment.اضافة اعلان

According to a statement by Jordan Investment Commission (JIC) Wednesday, carried by the Jordan News Agency, Petra, Amr said the ministry is working to study all challenges facing these zones, adding that field visits and periodic meetings are held with investors to learn about their plans that contribute to expanding and enabling their investments.

This effort also aim to launch partnership with the public and private sectors to find solutions for investment challenges with the aim of encouraging investors to expand and attract more new investments, Amr said at two separate meetings with the CEOs of the Jordan Industrial Estates Co, Omar Juwaid, and the Maan Development Company, Ayman Sharari.

Amr also stressed the need to intensify promotional efforts aimed to attract more new investments, pointing to the government's keenness to implement the Royal vision by providing an attractive investor environment by following up on investment projects and identifying the investors' needs and providing practical solutions to any related obstacles.

For his part, Juwaid praised the Ministry of Investment's efforts aimed to find solutions to these zones' challenges.

Jordan, he said, is an "attractive and competitive" investor environment, adding in 2021, the industrial estates attracted about 120 new investments and expanded existing investment projects, with a value at a bout JD93 million, which are expected to provide 3,100 new job opportunities.

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