E-payments up by 35% for first half 2021 — CBJ data

(Photo: Pixabay)

AMMAN — E-payment transactions in Jordan went up by 35 percent during the first half of 2021 compared to the same period last year, according to data from the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ), the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.اضافة اعلان

The data revealed that the number of e-payment dealers also went up about 50 percent during the in the first half of this year when compared to the previous year.

The CEO of Network International, Amjad Sadeq, told the news agency that payments were very weak in 2020 due to the Covid-19 crisis and closures, but reopening sectors has seen strong demand for e-payment facilities, He said that the pandemic has contributed to changing consumer behavior in the country towards greater acceptance of e-payment tools.

The number of e-payment transactions have increased significantly after the Covid-19 pandemic, Sadeq said, adding that the drop in the rate of foreign travel contributed to this increase, in addition to changing consumer habits.

Sadeq said that the kingdom's e-payment system, led by the CBJ, has effectively contributed to providing e-payment channels for citizens and has supported public departments by providing them government e-wallet services. The CBJ and e-payment companies are working together remotely around the clock, he said.

Sadeq called on the government to implement e-payment policy through its "holistic" form and to start with sectors that have a high readiness to accept this payment tool.

He noted that the CBJ has set ceilings for e-payment transaction fees, up to one percent or less, which Sadeq said was a very acceptable rate for the cost of transfers, calling on the government to find incentive programs to encourage various sectors to adopt e-payments.

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