Senate committee examines new investment bill

(Photo: Petra)
AMMAN — The Senate's Finance and Economic Committee, headed by Jamal Sarayreh, on Thursday hosted Dr. Yousef Mansour, an expert in economic affairs at the National Democratic Institute (NDI), to look into the draft law regulating the investment environment.اضافة اعلان

Speaking at the consultative discussion, Sarayreh said investment laws are the main pillar for stimulating and regulating investment within a legal framework in all fields, foremost is addressing obstacles affecting the Kingdom's investment environment and external crises.

Sarayreh also stressed the importance of ensuring investment-related legislative stability, which should be "clear and appropriate" to achieve development and progress.

In this regard, he noted investor regulations and laws should align with the labor market and its policy and create new job opportunities for Jordanian workers.

In addition, he added that investment-related laws should streamline business procedures and economic activities, spur investment attraction, and enhance the competitiveness of the national economy.

For his part, Mansour said any investment-stimulating law should contain "simple and clear" provisions and provide a clear and transparent slew of investor incentives.

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