Recent rainfall boosts Jordan’s water reserves to 55% of annual average

king talal dam
(Photo: Flickr)
AMMAN — The Ministry of Water announced on Saturday that recent rainfall has raised the country's precipitation to 55 percent of its annual average of 8.1 billion cubic meters, accounting for 69 percent of the rainfall volume in 2022. اضافة اعلان

The recent rainfall saw an influx of 1.6 million cubic meters being channeled into Jordan's dams, according to a ministry statement, carried by the Jordan News Agency, Petra. This bought the total storage to 88.5 million cubic meters or 31.5 percent of their total capacity which amounts to 280,760 million cubic meters,

According to the statement, King Talal Dam received 831,000 cubic meters of water, increasing its storage to 29.4 million cubic meters at 44 percent. The Wihdeh Dam received 410,000 cubic meters, bringing its storage to 8.4 percent. Wadi Shuaib Dam received 139,000 cubic meters, raising its storage to 90.6 percent, and 112,000 cubic meters were channeled into Wala Dam in Madaba, increasing its storage to 34 percent.

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