Jordan warns of cycle of mounting violence, stresses peace

Israeli border police chase Palestinian protesters in the area in front of the Lion  Gate in Jerusalem  Old City on April 17 2022
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Spokesperson Haitham Abu Alfoul, on Friday, warns of the cycle of mounting violence against civilians in Palestine and Israel, according to Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

He told Petra that such violence and tension is a dangerous indicator, adding the comprehensive calm that all parties worked for has begun to breakdown in an environment of despair that fuels extremism and the absence of real political horizon.

Commenting on the killing of three Israelis, yesterday near Tel Aviv, Abu Alfoul voiced Jordan's condemnation of such action, in addition to denouncing all forms of violence against civilians.

Everyone will pay the price for the current escalation that claimed the lives of scores of Palestinians, the spokesperson said.

The ministry is working on rebuilding trust in the feasibility of the peace process through immediate and serious negotiations to achieve just and comprehensive solution on the basis of the two-state solution, which embodies the Palestinian state on the pre-June 4, 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living in peace and security side by side with Israel.

He stressed the need of halting cycle of violence, taking all measures to maintain the comprehensive calm, stopping provocation procedures, namely, the violations against the holy places, settlers' violence, eviction of Palestinians, confiscating their lands and the military escalation in the Palestinian territories as a step for an immediate start towards a real effort to revive a serious process peace that prevents all extremist forces from exploiting the escalating tension and the absence of prospects for achieving a just peace.

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