Jordan negotiates $600m loans from int’l banks to accelerate recovery

World bank WB
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation is currently in negotiations with the World Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to borrow an additional $600 million to finance a program that will support comprehensive and climate-conscious investments that help Jordan accelerate its recovery. اضافة اعلان

According to Al-Mamlaka TV, the negotiations are still being studied and investigated.

The board of directors of the World Bank is set to meet in April to approve or reject the additional program of $400 million, while negotiations with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank are ongoing to approve $200 million.

Expected government contributionThe government's contribution to the additional financing for the program is expected to reach $242 million, bringing the total funding for the additional program by the government to $842 million, as stated in a document seen by Al-Mamlaka TV.
The program aims to help Jordan accelerate its recovery and create more job opportunities by leveraging its economic potential, especially green growth opportunities, and enhancing mechanisms for government accountability in implementation
If all parties approve the additional financing, the total government funding for the project will rise to $706 million, the World Bank to $900 million, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to $450 million, bringing the total project funding to $2.056 billion.

ObjectivesThe program aims to help Jordan accelerate its recovery and create more job opportunities by leveraging its economic potential, especially green growth opportunities, and enhancing mechanisms for government accountability in implementation.

The proposed additional financing and program restructuring aim to align it with an updated reform matrix supported by the London Initiative 2019, after 46 percent of the program's value was disbursed in its first phase. It also seeks to extend the program closing date to June 30, 2028, instead of June 30, 2026.

Other goals of the program are to improve the effectiveness of public investment development and financial sustainability, increase support for public and private climate-responsive investments, enhance opportunities for women's employment and entrepreneurship, and enhance government effectiveness through evidence-based policy participation and development.

Comprehensive investment financing programOn June 14, 2021, the World Bank approved a financing program for comprehensive, transparent, and climate-conscious investments worth $500 million to stimulate public and private investment in Jordan in order to achieve green and comprehensive recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

Meanwhile the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank provided $250 million in funding to support the program.

In November, the World Bank stated that the implementation of the comprehensive, transparent, and climate-conscious investment financing program it funds for Jordan is progressing "satisfactorily," noting that "9 out of 11 targeted results for 2021 have been achieved".

The World Bank has transferred $231 million to Jordan out of the $500 million it committed to implementing the project, while the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has transferred its $250 million share to support the program, and the government will provide funding for the program in the amount of $463.5 million, bringing the total to $1.2 billion.

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