Jordan Valley residents demonstrate in solidarity with Palestinians

Two  persons drive down to the Jordan Valley
Two unidentified persons drive down to the Jordan Valley to take part in a massive rally against the Israeli aggressions on Gaza and the rest of Palestine, wearing the red and black traditional 'shmagh', in a show of unity between Palestinians and Jordanians. (Photo: Twitter/@L2_YA_SHAKER)
AMMAN  — Residents of the northern Jordan Valley took part on Tuesday in a demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and against Israeli violations of international and humanitarian law, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.اضافة اعلان

Gathered in front of Waqqas Mosque and carrying Jordanian flags and anti-Israel banners, protesters called on the international community to put an end to Israeli violations in occupied East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, and the killing of Palestinians in the blockaded Gaza Strip, according to Petra.

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