Issawi conveys King’s condolences to martyrs’ families of Aqaba incident

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN - Deputizing for His Majesty King Abdullah, Royal Court Chief Yousef Issawi offered condolences to the martyrs’ families who killed in the chlorine gas leak at Aqaba port, according to Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

During his visits to the houses of condolences, Issawi conveyed His Majesty’s condolences and sympathy to the martyrs’ families.

He stressed that the Royal Court, under the directives of His Majesty the King, will provide help to the families to ease their suffering due to their conditions stemmed from the incident.

Issawi has visited the houses of condolences in the governorates of Amman, Tafila, Aqaba and Irbid.

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