IAF asks for ‘real reasons’ behind energy-for-water deal with Israel

The Islamic Action Front Party quarters - (Archives)
(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Islamic Action Front (IAF) is asking the government to disclose the real reasons for the agreement it reached with Israel, of which the UAE is also part, whereby a massive solar panel plant will be established in the south of the Kingdom, as reported by some media outlets.اضافة اعلان

The agreement entails providing energy for Israel which, in turn, will operate a water desalination plant on the Mediterranean shore with UAE funding. Jordan will then be supplied part of the desalinated water.

The IAF says the agreement poses a threat to Jordanian sovereignty as it puts dynamic sectors like water and energy in Israeli hands. Moreover, it goes against the Jordanian people’s long-standing stance against all forms of normalization with the occupation forces.

The political party stressed its rejection and condemnation of the agreement, which it considers a practical implementation of the Deal of the Century, which Jordanians vocally reject as it constitutes an existential threat to Jordan and aims at solving the Palestinian cause at Jordan’s expense.

The IAF also pointed out that the agreement would support Israel’s economy with the Jordanian people’s money, as well as consolidate the occupation’s settlement scheme in the West Bank and its Judaization policy by supplying settlements with electricity.

The deal would also mean that Israel could pressure, Jordan, just as it did with the water file, and thus implement its schemes easily, IAF said.

The front also said that the agreement violates the constitution, especially Article 33, which states: “Conventions and agreements which would affect the state’s treasury or the Jordanian people’s public and private rights shall not take effect unless approved by the Parliament. Also, any secret terms in a convention or agreement shall not contradict the public terms whatsoever.”

The fact that the agreement was not put before Parliament challenges the Jordanian people, undermines the legislative authority and is an affront to the national dignity. As such, the agreement should be considered legally and constitutionally invalid, said the IAF, adding that the Lower House should intervene and use its national responsibility against this disgraceful agreement, according to IAF.

The IAF said that the agreement is used to conceal concerns related to water shortages, and to promote signing such agreements with the occupation.
 It also deems that decision makers should have authority to secure the autonomy of critical national sectors, like water and energy, and to ensure that projects proposed in those fields, like the National Conveyance Project and its linking with the Disi project, are carried out.

The above project would contribute to supplying Jordan with water without it needing help from the Israeli occupation. It would also provide jobs for Jordanian youth in a way which serves the economy and secures water autonomy. 

IAF also asked decision makers to take into account Jordanians’ sentiment and not sign the agreement, which it considers a betrayal of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army’s which shed blood and of the sacrifices the army made in Al-Karameh battle to defend both Jordan and Palestine.

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