GTA calls on standardizing customs levies on garment imports

customs imports
(Photo: Shutterstock)
AMMAN — The president of the Garment Traders Association (GTA), Sultan Allan, called for standardizing tariff and customs duties nationwide, including those levied by the Aqaba Special Economic ZoneAuthority (ASEZA).اضافة اعلان

Allan hoped the customs tariffs will stand at “zero”, or 5 percent for services and 5 percent in sales tax, he said in an interview with the Jordan News Agency, Petra.

Should standardization be implemented, it would increase purchasing power and introduce a balance between online shopping orders and clothing imports through customs centers, he contended.

Allan, who is also a board member of the Amman Chamber ofCommerce (ACC), said inbound parcels should fall under the same process that regulates Jordan’s clothing and shoe imports.

Allan noted that JD23 is paid for a postal parcel worth JD50 in customs duties if the importer is a merchant, but that JD5 is paid if the parcel goes directly to the consumer, describing this as an “obvious defect in related regulations in place”.

Allan also referred to an ACC study, which recommended setting new controls on postal parcels entering Jordan, as they were found to be a "major" challenge for the garment sector.

This projected regulation will contribute to reviving the movement of Jordan's trade activity and supporting the commercial and service sectors affected by the COVID-19-related consequences, according to Allan.

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