Flashfloods cause overflow of 14m cubic meters from Wadi Al-Mujib dam

Wadi Al-Mujib dam
(Photo: Twitter)
AMMAN Flashfloods on Sunday resulted in the overflow of the Wadi Al-Mujib dam located in the southern part of the Dead Sea. Reports indicate that approximately 14 million cubic meters of water were spewed from the dam due to the floods.اضافة اعلان

Immediate precautionary measures were taken by the external police patrol, including the clearance of roads in the Dead Sea area and the evacuation of some vendors following an early warning about the imminent flooding of the Mujib Dam.

Qaraleh further explained that the occurrence of large hailstorms, can be attributed to temperature disparities between the upper and surface layers of the atmosphere, humidity levels, and the increased intensity of the state of instability. He cautioned about the potential for a repeat of this situation today.

These measures were carried out in cooperation with local security forces, as reported by Al-Rai daily.

In addition to the dam overflow, the region experienced intense hailstorms that caused damage to vehicle windows, rooftops, and solar water heating and power systems in certain areas of Amman.

These hailstorms occurred during the early hours of Monday.

Ongoing alertThe alert for potential flash floods remained in effect on Monday, particularly in the southern and eastern regions of Jordan.

Abdul-Menaem Qaraleh, acting director of the Jordan Metrological Department, stated that the unpredictable precipitation levels and sporadic geographic distribution during summer weather conditions differ from winter systems.

 He highlighted that instances of extreme weather events, such as the flashfloods and hailstorms, could continue to occur throughout the day. In Petra's southern district, the precipitation reached a significant 18mm in less than 15 minutes.

Qaraleh urged the general public to avoid areas prone to flash floods and to stay away from hail showers, emphasizing the importance of taking necessary precautions.

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