Farmers’ dire situation among reasons vegetable prices are up

3. Razan
An undated photo of a vegetable salesman next to a tomato stand. (File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — The head of the Jordan Valley Farmers Union Adnan Khaddam said that the increase in the price of vegetables was due to several reasons, chiefly the farmers’ inability to produce more, due to their dire economic situation, and the shrinking of agricultural lands by 50 percent. اضافة اعلان

Khaddam told Jordan News that the price of the production inputs increased by 400 percent, and this affects the farmers' ability to produce more. To that, one should add "the drying up of dams and the lack of irrigation water, and the frost that ruined many crops".

Khaddam called on the government to help the agricultural sector, since the situation of the farmers goes “from bad to worse, and agricultural areas are expected to decline next year by 70 percent, which will inevitably lead to another rise in prices", and stressed that setting price ceilings will not work.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Industry Trade and Supply, Yanal Barmawi, told Jordan News that "price ceilings may be set for some vegetables if their prices continue to rise in the market".

Barmawi also said that the increase in the prices of some types of vegetables over the last 10 days is due to the decrease in the quantities supplied to the market due to the frost wave.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Agriculture, Lawrence Al-Majali, told Jordan News that there was an increase in the quantities supplied to the vegetable and fruit sellers; 3,000 tonnes made it to the market on Wednesday, while last week 2,300 tonnes were distributed to sales points.

Majali said vegetable prices are expected to go down during the next few days in light of the greater quantities supplied to the market.

Farmer Mahmoud Al-Enezi told Jordan News that farmers are passing through difficult conditions, and that the prices will continue to go up if their situation is not addressed.

Farmers may not be able to produce in the upcoming days "due to the fact that we are losing, and our expenses are much higher than our income", he said, urging the government to help the agricultural sector as "our bad situation will also affect the consumer”.

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