US ambassador praises Jordan’s ‘pivotal’ reform paths

Envoy discusses economy, water, Palestinian cause in press interview

US Ambassador Henry Wooster
(Photo: Twitter)
AMMAN — In a recent interview with Al-Rai daily, US Ambassador Henry Wooster praised the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah and the Kingdom’s political, economic, and administrative reform paths, describing them as “pivotal reforms” representing a “courageous step”.اضافة اعلان

Wooster also highlighted the deeply rooted and well-established relations between the US and Jordan, stressing the US' keenness on Jordan's stability on the political, social, and economic levels.

Reform pathsWhen asked about the Kingdom’s reform trajectory, the ambassador noted the US’ support for the measures. “The United States of America is concerned with the success of these three paths, which will contribute significantly to getting Jordan out of its financial crisis.”

“It is in our interest that success be achieved with regard to economic recovery and job creation,” he continued.

“The reform program in Jordan is accompanied with… double challenges due to the difficult circumstances the region is going through,” he said.

“The Jordanian people will feel the importance of this reform program when reaping its fruits, as the success of the program will put Jordan on the correct path.”

Economy and the private sectorWhen asked about economic hardships faced by the Kingdom due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, he said: “The Jordanian economy faces a challenge, which is that employment relies on government jobs. The Economic Modernization Vision focused on giving a greater role to the private sector.”
“The Jordanian people will feel the importance of this reform program when reaping its fruits, as the success of the program will put Jordan on the correct path.”
“The dependence of many on government jobs will not create a strong economy, but rather will increase the burden on the Jordanian economy and direct funds towards paying salaries,” he explained. “It is necessary for the private sector to play an important role in economic modernization for the advancement of the national economy.”

Women’s participation in the workforceWooster also said that the participation of women within the labor force is “extremely important” for achieving economic growth, as women make up almost half of the population in Jordan.

When asked about how the government can work to raise the participation of Jordanian women in the labor market, the ambassador pointed to awareness-raising.

“There is a societal culture in some countries, including Jordan, that prefers women to stay at home and not enter the labor market,” he said.
“The United States of America's support to Jordan in all fields, especially water, continues, recognizing the importance and sensitivity of this file.”
“This requires the government and civil society work to raise societal awareness about the importance of women's involvement in the labor market.”

Water scarcityJordan suffers from a deep crisis in the water sector. At a time when the water poverty line is set globally at 1,000 cubic meters per capita annually, the share of the Jordanian citizen is less than 68 cubic meters.

Wooster was asked what support could be provided to Jordan for the completion of the National Carrier Project (NCP).

The ambassador explained that, at the NCP donor conference last year, the US Government pledged $700 million, including $300 million in grants and $400 million in project financing, subject to availability of funds and banking requirements.
“Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, we have provided more than $15 billion in aid to the people in Syria and across the region,” he said. “No other country has provided aid close to this number.”
“And at this year's conference, I encouraged other international partners to participate in this important effort that supports Jordan's water security,” he said.

“The United States of America's support to Jordan in all fields, especially water, continues, recognizing the importance and sensitivity of this file.”

RefugeesRegarding Jordan’s hosting of Syrian refugees, the envoy noted that the US “salutes Jordan's steadfast stances on refugees”.

“Jordan offers a distinguished humanitarian model in helping refugees,” he added.

Wooster also pointed to the role the US plays as a donor country.

Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, we have provided more than $15 billion in aid to the people in Syria and across the region,” he said. “No other country has provided aid close to this number.”

Palestinian cause, West Bank tensionsRegarding the situation in the West Bank and the Palestinian file, the ambassador noted that Washington “denounced” the statements of Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, describing them as “offensive, provocative, and incorrect”.
“We strongly support the status quo with regard to Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Hashemite Custodianship over the Islamic sanctities in Jerusalem — and the two-state solution.”
“We strongly support the status quo with regard to Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Hashemite Custodianship over the Islamic sanctities in Jerusalem — and the two-state solution,” he said.

US President Joe Biden has clearly announced the support of the United States of America for the two-state solution, and this position has not changed,” he explained. “The situation will remain as it is, and our support will remain constant for the Hashemite Custodianship and the two-state solution.”

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