Industrial exports grow remarkably in first nine months of 2021

Industrial exports
Jordan produces daily 5.5 million masks, 20,000 headcovers, and more than 10,000 medical overalls and exports them to over 70 global markets. (Photo: Pixabay)
AMMAN — Industrial exports achieved remarkable growth during the past six years; it reached about JD4 billion from the beginning of 2021 until the end of last September, a 16 percent growth over the same period in 2020, according to Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

The industrial production index recorded a 15.6 percent growth, and in the same period, the production index of manufacturing industries grew by 16.1 percent, extractive industries by 7.8 percent, and electricity and water by 1.1 percent, according to the Jordan Chamber of Industry data.

Head of Jordan and Amman Chambers of Industry Fathi Al-Jaghbir said that removing the challenges faced by the national industries, like high production costs, not taking advantage of export opportunities, high volume of commodity imports, which leaves little space for local analogs, could help double their performance.

Jaghbir said that the higher production costs compared to those of competitors, transportation costs, prices of raw materials, and various taxes and fees hinder the competitiveness of the national industry, which exports to about 140 markets around the world.

Jaghbir praised the recent government decisions to reduce electricity tariffs and cancel the maximum load for the industrial sector, and to apply the principle of reciprocity with countries that impede the entry of Jordanian exports, pointing out that Jordan’s imports of finished products constitute more than 35 percent, at a value of nearly JD5 billion.

He called for the continuation of the economic reform process, which requires an effort to enable the industrial sector to utilize its capabilities optimally and to promote the desired economic and social development, stressing that "it is necessary to have self-reliance, to support local production, and to build on the successful experience of the industrial sector and its achievements during the pandemic.

He added that the Jordanian industry contributed to the economic growth in the Kingdom during the first half of 2021, as the sector recorded an increase of 2.4 percent, adapting to the repercussions of the pandemic despite the restrictions and health procedures followed.

He pointed out that Jordan produces daily 5.5 million masks, 20,000 headcovers, and more than 10,000 medical overalls, and these products were exported to more than 70 global markets during the pandemic.
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