Jordanian industrial exports up by 12% over last ten months

aqaba container terminal
(Photo: From Aqaba container terminal website)
AMMAN — Jordanian Industrial exports totaled JD4.205 billion over the last ten months of 2021 based on Amman Chamber of Industry figures, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

These figures show that Jordanian industry has overcome the consequences of COVID-19 crisis, and has begun to return to its upward growth path.
Exports of industrial products increased by 12 percent in the past ten months of the year compared to the same period in 2019, topping JD4.205 billion dinars up from JD3.753 in 2019.

The US, India, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq accounted for the majority of Jordan’s exports during the past ten months of the year, amounting JD2.472 billion.
Exports to the US increased by 80 percent in the first ten months of the year to top JD829 million compared to JD416 million in 2019, putting it ahead of other countries that Jordan exports to.

Exports to India increased by 31 percent for the same period to reach JD727 million, compared to JD556 million in the same period in 2019.

On the other hand, Jordanian industrial exports to Saudi Arabia dropped by seven percent, while exports to the Iraqi were down by one percent.
Industrial exports to Syria, Indonesia, Egypt, Brazil, Algeria, Turkey, Sudan, Yemen, Belgium, Libya, and Spain have gone up.

Industrial exports to Palestine, China, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Italy, Bahrain, Tunisia, Mexico, and Iran have fallen.

The Amman Chamber of Industry represents 8,600 industrial establishments in the country, with a total combined operating capital of nearly JD5 billion, and employing 159,000 workers.

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