UAE calls for urgent UN Security Council meeting on Palestine

(Photo: Twitter)
AMMAN — The UAE’s mission to the United Nations called for an urgent closed meeting of the UN Security Council on Tuesday in light of concerning developments in the situation in the West Bank, news outlets reported.اضافة اعلان

Meanwhile, Ibrahim Khraishi, the permanent observer of the State of Palestine to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva, stated: "Palestine is working to mobilize support to boycott the occupation government, and to impose sanctions on it because of its continued aggression against our people."

In a press interview on Monday, Khraishi called on Washington to take practical steps against the occupation government, and to “stop asking the two sides not to take unilateral steps”, pointing out that Israel violates international law on a daily basis.

Representative of the State of Palestine to the UN Riyad Mansour confirmed on Monday that he will deliver a detailed memorandum “about the aggression by settlers against our people south of Nablus” to the Presidency of the UN Security Council, the President of the UN General Assembly, and the UN Secretary-General.

He also highlighted the possibility of holding a closed session of the UN Security Council sometime in the next two days.

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