Netanyahu’s closed-door meeting: Heated exchange with detainees’ families

Benjamin Netanyahu
(File photo: Jordan News)
TEL AVIV — On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a closed war council meeting with recently released Israeli detainees and a delegation from detainees' families, stated his reluctance to disclose details to prevent the Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas's military wing, from learning about the discussion.اضافة اعلان

Leaked information by unnamed Israeli media sources indicated that he said, "You also do not want us to reveal our cards to this enemy or disclose how we operate, committed with our souls and hearts to returning the kidnapped people,” Al-Ghad reported.

Despite Netanyahu's assurance of necessary actions, families responded angrily, "You sent them to Gaza, so you have to return them.”

Meanwhile, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant emphasized dealing with an extremist terrorist organization through force.

During the meeting, an intense dispute occurred, almost reaching a physical confrontation. Nadav Eyal, a writer for Yedioth Ahronoth, noted the difficulty in deciding on a new deal to liberate prisoners. Families' prevailing opinion is a quick release. A mother from the meeting felt it was not ideal for leaders to listen to their testimonies, sharing that she is sure they know what is going on, but the intention is to cause destabilization and create a huge uproar, resulting from the psychological state everyone is suffering from. 

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