Israel promotes a malicious narrative about Palestinian prisoners

Palestinian prisoners sit during visiting at Gilboa prison
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN – The government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and its supporters have propagated a narrative suggesting that the Palestinian prisoners proposed for release under the ceasefire are all extremist terrorists who have committed violent crimes. However, the truth is that more than two-thirds of these prisoners have not been convicted of any crimes, and most of them were arrested when they were children.اضافة اعلان

According to The Intercept and Khaberni, the Israeli government's narrative regarding the release of prisoners is deceitful and untrue. This narrative is accompanied by Interior Minister Itamar Ben Gvir preventing them and their families from celebrating their release, stating, "My instructions are clear: no expression of joy. Expressing joy is equivalent to supporting terrorism." He also asked the Israeli police to use an "iron fist" to enforce his decree.

Israel released a list of alleged crimes committed by these prisoners, although the vast majority of the 300 prisoners Israel proposes to release are teenagers, with 124 of them being under the age of 18. Among those who are 18, 146 of them were in prison, meaning these Palestinians were children when Israel arrested them, according to the definitions stipulated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The Intercept noted that out of the 300 names Israel proposed to release, 233 have not been convicted of any crimes. They are simply classified as "under arrest," but the Israeli narrative promotes them as under fair judicial procedures, and says they will ultimately be tried fairly and impartially. This, according to the website, is a farce because Palestinians are tried in military courts, often denied contact with lawyers, held in isolation for long periods, and subjected to other forms of violations.

Despite Israel being the only country routinely trying children in military courts, and its system facing repeated criticism and condemnation from major international human rights organizations and institutions, it asks the world to believe that all these prisoners are dangerous terrorists.

The newspaper concluded that all the Palestinians listed in this document are from the occupied West Bank and have lived their entire lives under the apartheid system. While some may have committed acts of violence, it is ridiculous and unfair to pretend that the context of this violence is unrelated to the reality of their lives, especially with violent Israeli settlers often escaping punishment as they mercilessly target Palestinians in an attempt to force them out of their homes.

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