Israel ignores our warnings, deliberately harms the captives - Abu Obeida

Abu Obaida
(File photo: Jordan News)
GAZA – On Friday, Al Jazeera broadcasted a televised speech by Abu Obeida, the spokesman for Al-Qassam Brigades.اضافة اعلان

Abu Obeida's statements, delivered with unwavering resolve, underscore the significance of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. With 133 days having passed since the operation, the battle has not only altered the landscape of the region but also holds the promise of reshaping the global narrative surrounding the occupation.

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, he asserts, signals the beginning of the end of the ongoing struggle against what he terms "the oldest occupation in modern history” and represents a pivotal moment in the history of the Palestinian people.

Central to Abu Obeida's discourse is the resilience and sacrifice of Gaza's resistance fighters, who have inflicted heavy losses upon the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF). He speaks of their strategic maneuvers, their unwavering commitment to the resistance, and their ability to adapt to the evolving dynamics of the battlefield.
“Our fighters are inflicting heavy losses on our enemies and ensnaring their individuals in well-prepared ambushes. They are carrying out qualitative deadly operations in all areas of incursion in the north, center, and south of Gaza and are engaging in battles with varied tactics and appropriate weapons,” Abu Obeida stated.

However, amidst the triumphs of the resistance, Abu Obeida also sheds light on the status of the Israeli captives. 

“Time is rapidly running out for the captives. They are living in difficult conditions and struggling for their lives. We have been trying to protect and care for the captives for months to achieve the interests of our people, and we are still striving for that,” Abu Obeida stated. “We have warned Israeli officials dozens of times of the dangers the captives face, but the Israeli leadership has ignored it. The IOF continues to deliberately kill and injure the captives”

As the conflict rages on, Abu Obeida's words serve as a rallying cry for solidarity and perseverance. He warns against the illusions propagated by Israel and reaffirms the unwavering commitment of the resistance to continue the struggle until the last Zionist soldier leaves Gaza's soil.

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