Israel advancing plan for Arab peacekeepers to secure Gaza aid deliveries

(File photo: Jordan News)
TEL AVIV —Israel is pushing for the establishment of an international peacekeeping force to secure the Gaza Strip and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid in it, multiple Hebrew media outlets reported Friday evening, indicating a likely coordinated leak.اضافة اعلان

The reports all said Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had informed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he had made headway on the matter during his visit to Washington this week.

The force would be composed of troops from three different unnamed Arab countries — though not Saudi Arabia or Qatar, the latter being a longtime patron of Hamas that is one of the mediators in hostage-for-truce talks. Some reports intimated that Egypt and the UAE were two of the countries, and that the third also has a peace treaty with Israel. The force would be managed by the US, but with no American forces on the ground.

The idea is backed by the United States, the reports said. The force would likely be armed to uphold law and order and would work with Gazans who don’t have links to Hamas, ostensibly figures linked to the Palestinian Authority. US support, however, is contingent on Israel beginning to implement a post-war plan for the rehabilitation of Gaza, such as Gallant’s “day after” plan, which he presented three months ago, the reports said.

Ynet reported that the progress in talks between the US and the unnamed Arab countries is a result of visits by Israeli defense officials to those countries and talks with the US government and CENTCOM.

The international force’s initial task would be to guard truck convoys containing humanitarian aid from pillaging by desperate Gazans, as well as to secure the aid pier set to be built by the US off the coast of the Strip, which is expected to be ready in about a month.

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