4,900 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails — report

Prisoners include 700 sick inmates, 31 women, 160 children

Palestinian prisoners sit during visiting at Gilboa prison
(Photo: Twitter)
AMMAN — According to a report, 4,900 Palestinian prisoners are currently being held in Israeli prisons, while the occupation’s authorities continue to hold onto the bodies of 12 inmates who have died in its prisons since 1980.اضافة اعلان

Prisoners' rightsThe State of Palestine’s Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs, the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, and Wadi Hilweh Center in Jerusalem issued the joint report on the occasion of Palestinian Prisoner’s Day, which falls on Monday, according to news outlets.

The prisoners include 31 women, 160 boys and girls under the age of 18, and more than 1,000 administrative detainees.
Before the Oslo agreement signed between the PLO and Israel in 1993, there were only 23 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Eleven were rearrested by Israel in 2011 after being freed.
Before the Oslo agreement signed between the PLO and Israel in 1993, there were only 23 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Eleven were rearrested by Israel in 2011 after being freed.

554 prisoners serving life sentencesAccording to the report, 554 Palestinian prisoners are serving life sentences in Israeli prisons, and 700 are sick — 24 of them dying with cancer.

The report states that Israel has arrested about 2,300 Palestinians so far this year, including “more than 350 children, the majority of whom are from Jerusalem, and 40 women".

‘Racist laws’The prisoners and their families “face systematic crimes of collective punishment, assaults, repeated persecution, threats, use of the family as a tool to put pressure on prisoners, and torture in interrogation centers”, the report notes.
The prisoners and their families “face systematic crimes of collective punishment, assaults, repeated persecution, threats, use of the family as a tool to put pressure on prisoners, and torture in interrogation centers”
The report sheds light on an escalation in the enactment of “racist laws and legislation affecting the fate of prisoners and their families” during the current year, highlighting a recent Israeli draft law “for executing prisoners who carry out resistance operations against the occupation, in addition to the law to withdraw citizenship and residency from Jerusalemite prisoners and freedom fighters”.

35 in solitary confinementThirty-five Palestinian prisoners are being kept in solitary confinement, “including sick prisoners who suffer from mental and chronic diseases”, the report reads.

Israeli forces also “break into prisoners’ quarters, abusing them and preventing them from seeing their families".

70 days on hunger strikeThe Palestinian Prisoners Society said in a separate statement that prisoner and Islamic Jihad leader 44-year-old Khader Adnan is continuing an open hunger strike against his arrest for the 70th day in a row.
Thirty-five Palestinian prisoners are being kept in solitary confinement, “including sick prisoners who suffer from mental and chronic diseases”
The society stated that Adnan, who is from the town of Arraba south of Jenin, is facing “very difficult health conditions”. The prisoner announced his strike immediately after his arrest on February 5.

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