Today's Horoscopes

(Photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: You aren't alone. You have more going for you than you realize. Step out of your comfort zone, and you'll recognize you have control. A partnership will be helpful when it comes to balance and contributions. Romance is on the rise.  اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Keep your focus where it will help you most. Refuse to let emotions lead to poor decision-making or prolonged situations that will stand between you and what you desire. Uncertainty is the enemy, and being confident and consistent are your tickets to success.  

GEMINI: Head in the direction that excites you the most. Follow your heart and enjoy the ride. Expand your mind, and your options will escalate. Relay what you have to offer to people who can help you achieve your goal.  

CANCER: You'll be insightful but fearful. Inconsistency will be your downfall. Look for the path of least resistance, and you'll find it easier to plot your course of action. Don't limit what you can do; educate yourself and proceed with enthusiasm.   

LEO: Pay attention to detail, rules and regulations. Stay focused on what you can contribute and get in return. Approach whatever you do with an open mind and reasonable expectations. Commit to whatever or whoever makes you feel at ease.  

VIRGO: Take better care of your home, family and health. Don't trust others to tell you the truth. Research diligently, and take matters into your own hands. Protect what you cherish, and make lifestyle changes that ensure a better future.  

LIBRA: Deal with domestic issues carefully. Control your temper, and set guidelines that are easy to follow. Showing discipline will encourage others to do the same. Look for balance, and offer positive suggestions. Change begins with you. Choose peace over chaos.  

SCORPIO: Live and learn. Let experience be your teacher, and put mistakes to rest. Focus on getting ahead and what you can accomplish instead of dwelling on someone or something you cannot change. Be creative, and proceed with optimism.

SAGITTARIUS: Proceed by doing your job. Letting what others do influence you will slow you down and make you look bad. Focus on getting ahead to ensure you don't fall behind. Hard work will pay off.  

CAPRICORN: Categorize your thoughts, and prioritize how you want to proceed. Once you have a to-do list, you'll find it easier to get down to business and finish what you start. Clear the path, and it will lift your spirits.
AQUARIUS: Address issues that entail government agencies, institutions, and legal or financial matters before you take on something new. Add to your qualifications and physically make adjustments that will improve your health. Make a point to share your intentions with someone you love.  

PISCES: Participate in events or activities that have a purpose. How you contribute to something meaningful to you will influence how others respond to you. Maintaining a good reputation will lead to an unexpected opportunity to do things differently.