Today's Horoscopes

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ARIES: Show off your best ideas but do not spend time defending them to anyone committed to misunderstanding. Put extra money in a savings account. The week ahead offers you a chance to improve your home or be generous toward family.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Avoid arguments, but if they occur, rest assured that there may be a time later in the week ahead to rectify the situation and put things right. Intense and passionate choices may earn a high-five from an avid admirer.

GEMINI: Extravagance of thought and deed isn’t enough to fulfill your heart. Don’t put your signature on any documents until later in the week. Your hard-earned cash is much too precious to squander on emotional purchases.

CANCER: An astute mind sees opportunities, not obstacles. You can find resourceful ways to turn a profit and negotiate better terms, Money might burn a hole in your pocket today, but love could burn in your heart as the week passes.

LEO: Every hour moves you closer to the culmination of your dreams. Be smart when wisdom is required and enthusiastic when passion is needed in the week to come. Be on the alert for opportunities and offers.

VIRGO: Do something that shows off your ability to work well with others. You likely are a strong, but fair and kindhearted competitor. There might be moments in the coming week when your timing and thoughtfulness is impeccable.

LIBRA: You may not find the word “impossible” in your dictionary during the week ahead. Avoid friction with your friends by being especially tolerant and open-minded. Spread joy to make your dreams come true.

SCORPIO: To make money you must be practical; love and relationships are not so predictable. In the week ahead use discernment to handle purchases but banish preconceived expectations when spending time with a partner.

SAGITTARIUS: Be patient because the person you love is doing the best they can. By the end of the week, your judgment may be much improved, and you might very well be given an opportunity to make your dreams come true.

CAPRICORN: A partner or loved ones could be overly emotional at times, but you will likely be gratified by their loyalty. It might be wise to investigate your options for retirement funds or insurance protection as the week unfolds.

AQUARIUS: Pledge to achieve at least one of your goals and you should be able to accomplish it. By the end of the week, you could be in a much better position to ask the boss for a promotion or ask for a favor from a friend.

PISCES: If you work hard and focus on sensible plans and clever strategies, your expectations should be met. Consult with a professional adviser such as an accountant or doctor nearer the end of the week if needed. 

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