Today's Horoscopes

(Photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Hope springs eternal. You may be determined to stop hibernating and break out of your cave as spring arrives. Loved ones and friends could agree in the week ahead that it is time to try something different.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: You may be ready to join new friends and old companions on a more productive path as this week unfolds. Some new acquaintances may only remain in your circle for a short time, but they may offer fresh insights.

GEMINI: Check messages and conversations for hidden meanings. Some people might say exactly what they mean but others could offer more cryptic signals. In the week ahead, your perceptions may be sharper than usual.

CANCER: Appreciate the hard work that must be exerted to live up to ideals and reach your goals. You may be all business when dealing with financial matters but still be compassionate towards someone in need.

LEO: A partner may prefer facts rather than fantasies. Do not let criticisms be personally hurtful. You will possess a sharper competitive edge in the upcoming week if you’re part of a group of likeminded individuals.

VIRGO: Seeing is believing. It may be difficult to perceive the road clearly if you are blinded by wishful thinking. In the week ahead, test out theories before you put them into action and listen to the advice of wise companions and partners.

LIBRA: You are stimulated by people who are familiar with the latest discoveries and technologies. New friends could influence how you choose to handle family issues in the week to come. Recognize any problems so you can fix them.

SCORPIO: Press the pause button on your decisions. Someone might be friendly or flatter you in the week to come, but this does not mean that you should pursue them romantically. Think things through before acting.

SAGITTARIUS: Enjoy some mental challenges or puzzles to exercise your mind. In the coming week, you may need to come up with innovative ideas to solve problems at work. Brainstorm solutions with savvy people.

CAPRICORN: You may glow with enhanced mojo. Hang out with talented individuals and find yourself in lofty circles. Money may feel a bit tight, so avoid making rash financial decisions or impulsive purchases this week.

AQUARIUS: You might jump the gun or feel that someone else is making an inconvenient spur-of-the-moment decision. Don’t let a minor misunderstanding drive a wedge between you and your loved ones in the week ahead.

PISCES: The mind operates as a magnet that attracts things and people of similar vibration. Positive, contented, uplifting and encouraging words will bring people together. Focus on sound principles to guide your life. 

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