Today's Horoscopes

(Photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Glow, go and grow. There is no reason to hide your light beneath shyness or insecurity. When you show off your skills, you may realize that other people have a good opinion of you, and this should reinforce your self-confidence.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: You are probably dutiful as well as emotionally attuned to your family’s needs. This is a time to be more serious about your responsibilities and to put social gatherings on the back burner. Focus on the most lasting achievements.

GEMINI: There is a way to assert yourself without being overbearing. Share a quote or discuss what someone else said to make a point. You may observe the troubles of the world and gain insights into how to eradicate them.

CANCER: Open and share your umbrella. Use your people skills and the power of attraction to bring people closer for a common cause. You might be called upon to reassure someone who is wrestling with their conscience.

LEO: Stand back to see the whole picture. A better perspective will allow you to grasp details you had not previously considered. Learn a new skill or study a subject that will infuse your resume, or your life, with more relevance.

VIRGO: Your attention might be riveted on your own personal desires and needs. An affectionate partner may be willing to let you take center stage and is understanding of any emotional conflicts. Keep one eye on ongoing obligations.

LIBRA: One of your assignments or tasks may offer you a chance to be more creative and artistic. Close relationships may seem more reserved and formal than usual, as each person attends to the busy necessities of life.

SCORPIO: There is nothing wrong with looking a gift horse in the mouth. A true friend will be happy to show you the flaws as well as the advantages of a project or proposal. Avoid misunderstandings by remaining straightforward.

SAGITTARIUS: You might find this is a nearly perfect time for you to discuss finances with a partner or loved one. Family security, long-term goals and lasting values could become a serious after-dinner topic.

CAPRICORN: You may feel more comfortable when all your things are carefully organized and neatly sorted. Don’t make new investments or sign binding agreements because you are likely to be acting on insufficient information.

AQUARIUS: Eventually, your efforts to be efficient should be noticed. Those who keep steadily grinding away eventually attain their objectives. Achieving some of the most valuable outcomes depends upon your perseverance.

PISCES: You probably shouldn’t expect sympathy just because you may have extra duties. Go ahead and deal with them so you can be proud of your accomplishments. Success is more likely to come to someone too busy to look for it.

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