Take 5 minutes to tidy your nightstand

(Photo: Pexels)
Nightstands are often a mess of books, lotions, jewelry and oddball items.

But with just five minutes of work, your nightstand can be a place of Zen where your nightly needs are within arm’s reach. Here’s how:اضافة اعلان

Step 1: Empty it all

Clear off the tabletop and empty the drawers. Remove even the corded items like your clock and lamp, because a cleared surface will give you an opportunity to rethink their arrangement.

Step 2: Toss, toss, toss

Magazines go in the recycling bin, books to a local book swap.

Toss those subscription mailers that fell out of the magazines, along with any junk mail.

Overstretched hairbands, empty tubes of lip balm or hand cream can go.

Step 3: Relocate what you can

All reading material beyond the one or two items you plan to read in the next week should go back to the shelf.

Keep work material away from your bed. Random objects, like those little bags of button and thread that come with sweaters, should go to their proper home — in this case, your sewing kit and then in a closet.

Step 4: Purge the nonessentials

Keep only what you truly need pre- and post-sleep. This may include:

A spot for your glasses

A spot for your phone

A glass of water (on a coaster)

Reading materials

The remote for a bedroom television (if you must)

Step 5: Reposition

Your clock shouldn’t be too close or the hours will stare you down. Your bedside lamp should be easy to reach and provide sufficient light. Keep a small box of tissues nearby. Have a small dish available for items like rings and lip balm. You could also store items like hand cream and the TV remote out of sight in a drawer.