An up-and-coming Jordanian talent

Ahmad Srour (Photo: JNews)
The defining talent of the best character actor is the ability to disappear into a role. Greatly talented, always memorable, equally at ease in starring or supporting roles, Jordanian actor Ahmad Srour is able to transform from Bedouin to comedy, historical, and modern characters with seamless elegance and authenticity.اضافة اعلان

Srour is a radio presenter, television, and theater actor who has won acclaim and audiences’ hearts in the well-known comedy show “Fe-male” along with the Jordanian actors Tima Alshomali and Rajae Qawwas. Srour played the role of Saleh, the annoying character known for his good sense of humor and hysterical laugh. He also played long-haired and sweet hearted Lutfi in the Jordanian series “Zain” which aired on Abu Dhabi TV several years ago.

Srour is also an artistic leader in Jordan. He is the creative mind behind Street Theater Troupe in which Srour and some other actors, including Ahmad Abu Koush and Odai Hiajzi, try to bring the theater to the streets and to their audience there. Anyone passing by who stop to watch their show will also have the chance to be part of it and participate in it too.

Since his childhood, Srour’s desire was to grow up and become an artist, and at the age of 18 his dream has begun to come true. Srour underwent a theoretical entrance examination for theater art at the University of Jordan but expected that he would not be able to pass. He returned home ready to abandon his dream and ambition but, contrary to his expectations, he was accepted. “From that day until today, I try to study and work on myself and learn from my colleagues and adult professors,” the Jordanian actor said in an interview with Jordan News.

The 34-year-old hard-working actor graduated with a bachelor’s degree in theater art in 2009, and has worked in the art field since then. In the beginning of his journey, he played some supporting roles on television until he began to take starring roles after a couple of years of hard work, passion, and learning.

Srour has never denied that his journey in art was filled with many obstacles. However, he always confirms that real art has a message, and people working in it are very dedicated to their craft. His passion for art motivates him and makes him work hard despite all the obstacles he faces.

“The biggest obstacle that I face — and that most Jordanian artists face — is that usually there’s a lack of support for new talents,” Srour told Jordan News. “Most producers usually prefer to choose old and popular actors for their artworks. There’s no space for new talents between them.”

The artist also stated that, despite his recent successes, he is always afraid of tomorrow. “I am actually afraid of dreaming of tomorrow, I don’t know what the future might bring me,” he said. “I actually dream that one day there will be curricula related to arts taught to students in schools. In this way, even if those students don’t major in the arts field in the future, they will at least understand exactly what real art is.”

In recent years, Srour’s performances have entered a more serious phase. He played a main character in Mosiac, a social drama series that promotes and disseminates awareness on various issues by presenting them in a dramatic style with a graceful script and impressive acting performances.

The series includes eight episodes, each of which discusses sensitive topics in society, such as mental health, violence, sexual harassment, single mothers, bullying, and others. The series was directed by Ahmed Samara, produced by Ahmed Abu Koush, and stars both Srour and Abu Koush.

Srour strongly believes that art in general, in all its aesthetic forms, helps and contributes to the development of society, especially if it raises community issues and sends a message. Art is also inseparable from pleasure and entertainment in his view. The actor also believes that those who work in the arts should never be afraid of saying the truth. He said that he had been subjected to death threats by Daesh on social media, and that he had only banned those who threatened him on Facebook. He said that he will always believe in what he presents despite everything.

The Jordanian talent grew up and was raised in a small home in Zarqa with eight brothers and sisters. He strongly believes that he should always be proud of his past, and that being poor is not a disgrace. He called on the youth to believe in themselves and never be ashamed of their lives and do their utmost to create a better future.