Virus infections rise to 25% among youth since return to schools

(Photo: Ameer Khalefih/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Secretary-General of the Health Ministry for Epidemiological Affairs, Adel Belbisi, said Monday that the percentage of COVID-19 infections among the age group of 10 to 17 years old has increased to 25 percent of the total cases since the return to schools, according to Jo24.اضافة اعلان

“We expect that these cases will drop down and return to normal rates within a week to 10 days,” Belbisi said.

He added “we might have to coexist with the virus, where we familiarize ourselves with the fact that there will be cases and that we need to deal with it through vaccination, wearing masks and abiding to procedures, depending on the current epidemiological situation.” 

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