New center for adolescent girls opens in Zaatari Camp

(Photo: UNFPA )
AMMAN — UNFPA Jordan Country Office in partnership with Save The Children Jordan opened Sunday the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Led (AGEL) Center in Zaatari camp, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

The center’s opening is part of the UNFPA continuous efforts to further gender equality and address the physical and emotional consequences of gender-based violence, the UNFPA said in a statement.

Situated in the heart of the Zaatari Market, the AGEL center is the first of its kind in the camp. The 200-square-meter facility prides itself on being the only center led by a team of adolescent girls supervised by female mentors between the ages of 20 and 29 years old.

The center’s unique approach of dedicating a safe space exclusively to adolescent girls has made it a hub for more than 300 adolescent girls months before its official opening, the statement added.

The center's opening was attended by Donnica Pottie, Ambassador of Canada to Jordan, and Robert McInturff, Senior Regional Refugee Coordinator of the United States Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Save the Children Jordan CEO, Diala Al Khamra, and UNFPA Jordan Country Representative, Enshrah Ahmed.

“When adolescent girls are empowered to take better care of their health and build their social and financial skills, they can draw on those skills to solve problems, make better decisions, and become leaders in their community,” Ahmad said.

“Adolescent girls living in Zaatari camp are vulnerable to becoming victims of violence, child marriage, and adolescent pregnancy. We are committed to empowering adolescent girls in the face of those risks”, said Al Khamra.

“Our goal is to help adolescent girls realize their potential and become leaders in their community,” said Balqees Shahin, Project Field Officer at AGEL Center, Save the Children.

Since its inception in 2012, Zaatari refugee camp has become the world’s largest camp for Syrian refugees. More than 9,700 adolescent girls between the ages of 10 years-old and 19 years-old live in the camp.

The Adolescent Girls Empowerment Led (AGEL) Center in Zaatari camp is supported by the Canadian Government and the US Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM).

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