‘Gov’t must leave now:’ Thousands of Israelis protest against Netanyahu

jerusalem protest
(Photo: Twitter/X)
TEL AVIV — Thousands of Israelis gathered in Tel Aviv on Saturday to protest against the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of mismanaging national security and demanding new elections.اضافة اعلان

Anti-government protests, which had rocked the country for months last year, subsided following the events of October 7. Political differences were set aside as Israelis rallied behind the military and families of those affected in the Gaza Strip, Al-Mamlaka TV reported.

However, with the destructive war in Gaza entering its fourth month and opinion polls indicating a decline in support for Netanyahu, calls for a change in leadership increased, despite no apparent imminent threat to his position.

This sentiment was reflected in the turnout for Saturday's protest in Tel Aviv's central square, which, though much smaller than those of the previous year, still attracted several thousand participants. They beat drums, voiced expressions of discontent, and waved Israeli flags.

Participant Noam Alon stated, "The government that abandoned us on October 7 continues to abandon us every day since then. Those who were evacuated from the northern and southern borders, the families of the victims, reserve soldiers, and hostages." Alon's brother was killed in an Israeli town.

From the stage, Alon added, "The power for change and reform is in our hands. This government must leave. Now!"

The crowd responded with chants of "Now! Now!"

As divisions emerged among members of the ruling coalition, Netanyahu remains determined to stay in power.

Opposition leaders have proposed forming a unity government without Netanyahu, but these efforts have not gained traction.

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