Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Be careful about pretending to be something you may not be. You might think you will have more power or status if you exaggerate your credentials. The truth is you will be more admired for honesty and integrity.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Fight the temptation to take unfair advantage. Ruthless business practices may be considered, but life always returns in kind if you play dirty. Being ethical will not curb your financial security.

GEMINI: Conscience is an important feedback loop. Listen to yourself if something isn’t feeling right. This isn’t the time to step on anyone’s toes or to offend someone by pushing your agenda too strongly.

CANCER: Be supportive of a loved one or partner who may be rising to the top with an astute and profitable plan of action. Making impulsive decisions about investments or purchases could prove troublesome.

LEO: When you put all your effort into your work, you may find a need for recreation. You can stay interesting if you must put in some long hours and extra effort at work. Try not to lose your momentum by losing yourself in daydreams.

VIRGO: There may be a serious matter that needs your attention, so try not to let someone frustrate you. Do not muddy the waters by playing their game since it may only create a tricky and tiresome situation.

LIBRA: Be businesslike and professional and you can be well equipped to withstand demanding conditions. If you have learned from past mistakes, you know you cannot do the same thing and expect different results.

SCORPIO: Wishful thinking will not get the job done. Double-check that coworkers have done their fair share. Someone might disrupt your plans by making unannounced changes or doing something unanticipated.

SAGITTARIUS: Extra thoughtfulness could be a necessity. You may need to focus on working on forgiveness and understanding. It is only human to look for sympathy or avoid commitments when there is hidden anger.

CAPRICORN: A romantic partner or friend can wait until tomorrow for attention if you must burn the midnight oil tonight. Try to avoid being taken in by a tempting offer that could easily become an expensive wasted effort.

AQUARIUS: Shouldering your responsibilities can allow you to tap into the benefits of some profitable events. Although you would like to punch out early, you cannot risk missing a deadline or breaking the rules.

PISCES: Rely on elevated ideals and the need for permanence. Be cautious if the wolf in sheep’s clothing comes knocking on your door. Try not to make impulsive decisions or changes based on sweet words and empty promises.

IF MARCH 10 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Enjoy smooth sailing and clear celestial skies during the coming two to three weeks. This is an excellent time to make wise choices and embrace opportunities that could improve the direction of your life for a long time to come. Your clear thinking and leadership skills can be utilized in April. Lay low in late May when you are easily fooled by appearances and could get caught up in a wild goose chase. Mid to late June is a time when your priorities can change, when you can become more independent, and when you can successfully set off in an exciting new direction. In July and August, you are more realistic about material success and shrewder than usual when negotiations take place but could be distracted by numerous social activities. Late October, when your happiness depends upon financial success, is the best time to implement savvy business strategies and policies.

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