ARIES: Push ahead with some research or study. This is not a
good time to invest your money or to handle financial affairs. Loved ones could
be feeling out of sorts or erratic, so wait to have a serious conversation
about the future.
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TAURUS: Pay the bills before you indulge yourself. You may
be fascinated by trendy new items, but they might not seem as cool and fun once
the novelty wears off. Be sure to fulfill your existing promises and
GEMINI: Don’t be afraid to uphold your boundaries. Your
purposeful approach can put your actions in perspective. A partner or loved one
might not seem as cooperative as usual, but you should be able to explain your
CANCER: Ask nicely for help and you might just get what you
want and need. Mindful manners and friendly energy could actually earn you a
little extra money as well as someone’s appreciation. A new friendship may
bring what you need.
LEO: You could receive a surprise that changes your plans.
Don’t let anyone derail your day, whether they are malicious or just clueless.
You may realize that the wait will be worth the extra time if your objectives
are worthy.
VIRGO: Remain fair and keep energy in balance. People who
try to get too much from a person or situation often end up with nothing at
all. Your innovative and resourceful ideas can be an asset when you deal with
business and financial matters.
LIBRA: You can profit from the good judgment and wisdom of a
relative or long-term partner. Your best ideas may go to waste if you don’t
share them with loved ones. Don’t remain silent if you see a problem.
SCORPIO: You may be dreaming of something more exciting, but
you always need to honor old commitments, even while bushwhacking a new trail.
Great relationships evolve as needed to accommodate individual growth..
SAGITTARIUS: Your resourcefulness can be outstanding; use
your imagination to turn a handful of basic ingredients into something special
and unusual. Everyone benefits more by cooperating rather than by competing.
CAPRICORN: A good buddy might raise your spirits. Team up
with a talented and dedicated friend or co-worker who can fill in the gaps in
your knowledge. Focus on refining your outlook rather than spending more money.
AQUARIUS: Just because you are experiencing an itch to shake
things up doesn’t mean anything really needs to change. Ask yourself if there’s
a real need, or if you’re just bored or frustrated. Your attraction to someone
may not last.
PISCES: Your capacity for compassion and understanding can
be one of your most powerful traits. When romantic feelings are in the air, you
could tune in to that person’s energy deeply. Try to be forgiving if someone is
out of sorts.
IF DEC. 29 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: There could be a focus on group
activities during the upcoming three to four weeks. However, you are prone to
daydreaming and seriously wishful thinking, so avoid making financial decisions
or key business changes. Let your imagination and lightheartedness loose in
March when you can enjoy a romantic vacation or creative project. Your aptitude
for financial success is at a low point in April, making that a poor time to
contemplate investments and business goals. However, that is a good time to
form friendships and join a club or philanthropic group. June is an especially
good time to make major changes in your life or to enlist the help of
influential and beneficial people. Embrace opportunities or offers as they
could plant seeds that grow into abundance and contentment.