Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Keep your skepticism in check. Someone’s praise may seem exaggerated, or an offer may seem too good to be true, but if you do some homework, you may be pleasantly surprised. It shouldn’t hurt just to listen.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Don’t overdo it. A simple thank you is perfect. If you gush with too much appreciation over someone’s kind act, they may actually start to doubt you. Appreciate favors from others but don’t feel entitled.

GEMINI: Use your sixth sense. Follow a loved one’s body language and you can accurately gauge whether they have a problem. It may be helpful to invite someone to add their own touch to your creative idea.

CANCER: Sometimes the truth hurts. It would be wiser to spare someone’s feelings than to be brutally honest with them. Use diplomacy and tactful course corrections to foster teamwork and ask for forgiveness when needed.

LEO: Believe it when you see it. Even if someone made you a promise of their own volition, don’t accept it as fact until they prove they intend to follow through. Your goals may be at odds with what a loved one wants.

VIRGO: Stand your ground. Be observant when facing negotiations as a shrewd opponent may try to get more of an advantage than would be equitable. Make sure that everyone gets their fair share of the goodies.

LIBRA: Make your intentions perfectly clear. A poor choice of words could be all it takes to create a ridiculous misunderstanding so be completely forthright when explaining plans. A little humor can break the ice.

SCORPIO: Don’t be guilty by association. Steer clear of a co-worker who can be the monarch of bad ideas or who displays poor habits, as you may inadvertently get lumped together with them. You’ll fare better on your own.

You shouldn’t expect generosity. Someone may indeed come to your aid in a pinch, but you can’t rely on that to happen so have a backup plan. You can gain more respect if you stand on your own feet.

CAPRICORN: Go along to get along. Respect the consensus opinion, even if you don’t agree with it as progress will likely stall otherwise. Take a few days to mull over extravagant purchases before you decide to buy.

AQUARIUS: There are no boundaries to your imagination. Creative thinking outside the box may be just what it takes to solve a difficult problem. Conventional wisdom may not be the solution to overcoming obstacles now.

PISCES: You can go your own way. You might do much better in a quiet, calm environment rather than trying to work amid chaotic surroundings. Close friends and family may help set your mind at ease tonight.

IF OCT. 27 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: As the next three to four weeks unfold, you may be challenged to deal with emotional issues and difficult people who disturb your inner tranquility. Wait until early December, when you are more levelheaded and can count on support from your friends, to make key decisions. That is a time when your insight is enhanced so you can profit from skillful negotiations. Embrace any offers or opportunities that turn up in late January because they may bring you unexpected comfort or be the answer to your dreams. You may be inspired by someone or something to make the best use of every opportunity for advancement or just enjoy the fruits of your labors. In February, you can place emphasis on your work ethic and build a solid framework that will stand up to scrutiny. Be cautious in March when you may be fooled by surface appearances or wishful thinking.

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