Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Your joy could fizz like a bottle of champagne if you become the center of attention. Allow yourself to enjoy more prestige, fun and romance. Don’t overlook an obligation to a friend or a requirement on the job.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: You may believe you should get by on star-power and impressive selfies and work to stand out on social media. You’re more likely to enjoy the new friends you’ll make by just being your authentic self..

GEMINI: Last can be the very best. Your more impulsive friends may change their minds quickly while you are still digesting the latest information at your leisure. Someone may pressure you to make a quick decision.

CANCER: You can have your heart’s desire. However, you are wise enough to know that the instant gratification of your desires does not always lead to harmony with others. Make a bucket list of all your favorite goals.

LEO: You may have an urge to follow up on a get-rich scheme. Think long and hard before investing your hard-earned money or your heart on something that is likely to be just a dream. Prove you can live up to your commitments.

VIRGO: You can easily attract attention and favorable publicity so try to be on your best behavior. Your enhanced social skills may give you the ability to instill trust. However, you can be led astray by an excess of wishful thinking.

LIBRA: Attract attention with personal magnetism rather than glamour or spin. Be that quality person – true character and high ethics will always win out over optics. Ask for assistance so you can achieve a worthy goal.

SCORPIO: Expect the unexpected. Even if someone means well, you may need to rethink your plans if they change their mind. Concentrate on fulfilling your job commitments and keeping your promises in the workplace.

SAGITTARIUS: Use your individual flair to complete a task or project with style. You can make a breakthrough by giving in to your creative instincts. Adapt to a changeful environment by using your own best judgment.

CAPRICORN: You will be happier with outcomes if you always take the high road. Don’t imagine that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence or that a financial scheme is worthwhile. Say “no” to risky investment proposals.

AQUARIUS: Rely on teamwork to get things moving in the right direction — it can take a village. Even if you feel that you are going around in circles, keep on and trust that your focus and persistence can pay off with time.

PISCES: Your prospects may be undermined by wishful thinking; a loved one or family member might have a more down-to-earth perspective on a situation. Avoid wasting time or money on unrealistic scenarios.

IF SEPT. 7 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Popularity and additional attention may be yours for the taking throughout the upcoming three to four weeks. A new job might be easy to obtain, and a new relationship could turn out to be the real deal. Wait until late October or early November, when your cleverness is supercharged, to put your moneymaking ideas and business plans into motion. In late November and early December, try not to accept anything at face value because you are likely to be fooled or fall prey to wishful thinking. Have faith that the universe will provide exactly what you most need in early March. There will likely be a permanent change for the better in some segment of your life and when your judgment is at its best.

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