Today's Horoscopes

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ARIES: This is a good time to remain tactful and respect traditions. Loved ones might be less forgiving of exaggerations and misplaced enthusiasm. Sharing someone’s confidence would be a betrayal, don’t do it.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Someone might find it hard to get close to you. If you feel scrutinized, you may strive to appear perfect in every social situation. Don’t let shyness cause you to be reserved or less thoughtful toward others.

GEMINI: You could experience some transitory confusion about what you want. Verify the facts before you make a commitment. Someone might surprise you with something nice or by going the extra mile on your behalf.

CANCER: Partners and friends can enrich your life and fatten your wallet. Your drive and ambition to obtain material comforts may be enhanced by knowing influential people. Chasing visions of greatness requires courage.

LEO: Since you are likely more ambitious and focused than you were earlier in the week, this is a great time to reexamine your goals and long-term plans. Think about when and how to start projects, make crucial decisions or changes.

VIRGO: Read the lines, and read between them, too. Tally up the facts if you suspect someone isn’t being completely honest. If you take time to do the research, you will be certain to have all the Intel you need to decide.

LIBRA: Don’t cut corners, ignore etiquette or mistake a friendly smile for a romantic flirtation. Focus on demonstrating integrity by being strong when your principals are at stake. Keep your nose pressed to the grindstone.

SCORPIO: Every good turn deserves another, but some people are unlikely to be charitable even when you have been generous in the past. Your determination to succeed may be one reason you are given difficult tasks to handle.

SAGITTARIUS: Just as you think you have reached the end of your patience, something shifts. You can make savvy financial decisions and work closely with a loved one to improve how you handle your joint resources.

CAPRICORN: Turn up the heat and start cooking. Put ambitions, business projects and financial decisions back on the front burner. Keep a close eye on spending and wait for a better bargain before making a major purchase.

AQUARIUS: Do your own thing. You cannot control how other people act, but you can take pride in your own actions. You may prefer to work alone or go solo rather than working in a group but may have no choice.

PISCES: Appreciate everyday miracles that some might think are mere coincidences. Be lighthearted when discussing serious issues. Hiding the truth may seem like an easy way to avoid friction but it always haunts you later.

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