Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Trust other people as much as you trust yourself. You may not have gotten to where you are on your own so give credit where credit can be due. Avoid blaming others for mistakes, unpack your part and learn from it.اضافة اعلان

A cheerful and vibrant attitude can attract someone to you like a bee to honey. You may receive some unexpected invitations to exciting outings or events. Compelling attraction could pull someone closer into your orbit.

GEMINI: Anyone can have a difficult day or experience. If you are faced with someone’s contentious attitude do your best to turn the other cheek. Remaining sympathetic or offering to listen can help to diffuse a tricky situation.

CANCER: You could be full of inspiring ideas to share that can bring people together. A loved one may be fixated on financial security or material success. You might be able to help them take a closer look and make the best decision.

LEO: Being the best is a goal not everyone can reach on the first try, take the time to learn from other people who have found success. Put financial matters and investments on the back burner until you have done all your research.

VIRGO: You may feel stuck in a rut doing the same activities every day. Taking a step out of your routine and trying something new could be just what you need. If someone comes to you with a problem offer them unconditional love.

LIBRA: Someone may offer to manage some of your responsibilities, show support for the extra support. The help is not an affront to your capabilities or competence, but it can be a way for them to show you how much you matter to them.

SCORPIO: When you are at peace with yourself it becomes possible to be at peace with the world. Take the time to get back in touch with your interests, hobbies or activities from your childhood and you could find something valuable.

SAGITTARIUS: Focus on contentment right now. Wherever you are can be a good place to be. Tenacious enthusiasm for completing your tasks may be the best way to acquire the material rewards and financial success you are hoping to obtain.

CAPRICORN: Some tasks may be difficult, but few things are truly impossible. No matter how trying a task might seem in the moment, you could have the perseverance to push through to victory. Shine in group settings right now.

AQUARIUS: Remain confident that you can oversee any job that has been assigned to you and you could find success. You might be intrigued by a piece of gossip you heard through the grapevine, but it may not be in your best interest to pursue it.

PISCES: You can start your day off on the right foot by devoting time to activities that give you the greatest joy. Although your responsibilities or obligations should be honored, your health and happiness need equal attention.

IF JULY 18 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Spending time with friends, a brief vacation or a romantic interlude could be a priority during the next two to three weeks. An overactive imagination or preoccupation with dreams could distract you from what might really need to be accomplished in August, so turn down any offer or flirtatious enticement that seems too good to be true. Your judgment could be out of kilter in September, so avoid making crucial financial decisions or taking a stand. October can bring a sense of peace and well-being that you should nurture by reviewing your ideals. Get down to business in November when your astute maneuvering could get you to the top of the heap with finances and career. Your passion for material gain might be matched by your enhanced ability to set a good example for others.

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