‘Protech’ to supply FIFA World Cup lockers

Jordanian manufacturing company reflects on winning international competition

A shot of Protech’s team locker design. (Photo: Handout from Protech)
A shot of Protech’s team locker design. (Photo: Handout from Protech)
AMMAN – Jordanian laboratory furniture company Protech was recently selected to manufacture and supply team lockers for the FIFA World Cup 2022, which will take place in Qatar. اضافة اعلان

Protech was founded in 1993 as a lab furniture manufacturing company.

According to Protech’s business development manager, Zaid Abdein, “when we started, no one in the country specialized in lab furniture… (because) it requires special materials and special designs.”

“Slowly, we started to integrate new specialized products, like lockers and partitions,” said Abdein. “We now have several product lines.”

Founder and CEO Hisham Abdein added that Protech provides its services to hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry, the educational sector, and the sports and leisure sector.

“We were the first company to introduce such products into the Jordanian market and are therefore considered leaders in the region,” he continued.

The manufacturing company has worked on more than a dozen of Jordan’s COVID-19 field hospitals. It also exports its products to 16 countries — the most recent of which is Egypt, where Protech is involved with major pharmaceutical companies.

“In 2001, we won the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence, which is the highest recognition in the country for any private sector company … We won this award as the best SME (small or medium enterprise) in Jordan,” said Zaid.

Citing the team lockers project for the World Cup, Zaid delved into the company’s journey to the top.

“Each (World Cup) team has a stadium where they train. They all require team lockers … the project was to supply lockers to those stadiums. People from all over the world competed for this project, including well-known international companies from Europe and America,” he said.

“The evaluation process started with a technical evaluation to (assess) the material quality, design, qualifications, and history of the company. Based on that, we were selected as one of the top suppliers.”

FIFA had asked different competing companies to manufacture the lockers according to a specific design.

“We actually improved the design that was given to us for the FIFA lockers,” Zaid told Jordan News.

“We gave them two offers: their own design and an alternative design with improved aesthetics and functionality, which also cost about 5 to 10% less. So, it was a better design and a more economical solution,” he said.

FIFA ended up ditching its own blueprint and choosing Protech’s modified version.

By the end of the 2021, Protech will have supplied lockers for about 52 facilities including 27 sports clubs, giving FIFA enough time to inspect the product before the tournament’s kickoff in 2022.

“We are proud … to win such a project. It proves that the Jordanian industry can reach high levels in terms of quality and design and will encourage us to expand in more countries in the future,” said Hisham .

“This will also encourage other factories in the country to look for new markets and not depend on the Jordanian market alone, which is very important,” he added.

“People were happy for us, as a Jordanian company, to win an international bid.”

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