Government vows to maintain bread prices the same

(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — The government will keep fixing bread prices, even if wheat prices reach $1,000 per tonne, vowed the Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply, Yousef Al-Shamali.اضافة اعلان

Khaberni News quoted the minister as saying that Jordan bought wheat at $500 per tonne last week, although this year’s fiscal budget _ prepared at the beginning of the year _ envisaged it at half the price, ranging from $230 and $260 per tonne.

Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh also confirmed the upholding of fixed prices for bread, a main food staple in Jordan and much of the Arab world.

Regarding poultry prices, Shamali stressed that the government will take action when there is a hike in prices, contending that the poultry prices before the holy fasting month of Ramadan reached up to JD2.20 per 1kg. During Ramadan, they were JD2.

He added that prices changed to their normal range after Ramadan and are considered the least compared to the neighboring countries. 

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