Coronavirus: Latest global developments

(Photo: Pixabay)
PARIS, France — Here are the latest developments in the coronavirus crisis:

200 million cases
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More than 200 million cases of COVID-19 have been registered worldwide since the novel coronavirus emerged in China in December 2019, according to a tally from official sources compiled by AFP.

Melbourne lockdown

Rueful authorities in Melbourne announce a sixth lockdown for the city and Sydney reports a record number of new cases as Australia falters in efforts to bring a virulent Delta outbreak to heel.

US eyes travel easing

The United States, which closed its borders to much of the world as the pandemic took hold, says it plans eventually to begin allowing fully vaccinated foreigners back in.

England eases quarantine rules

The UK government says it will ease English entry rules requiring arrivals from France to quarantine even if they are fully vaccinated, following its latest review of travel curbs.

Booster jabs

The US rejects an appeal from the World Health Organization for a moratorium on booster shots and for rich countries to focus instead on supplying poorer nations.

France third shot

France says it will offer booster shots to the elderly and vulnerable from September, joining a growing list of countries offering third vaccine shots to fight new virus variants.

Deep concern over Long Covid

The World Health Organization says it is deeply concerned by the unknown numbers who may still be suffering with Long Covid, pointing to what remains one of the most mysterious aspects of the pandemic.

Thai wave

Thailand's morgue workers battle exhaustion as the kingdom's latest wave hits new highs, breaking the 20,000 threshold for daily infections for the first time, as the death toll also mounts.

Sputnik V delays

The makers of the Russian vaccine promise to resolve delivery delays this month after several South American countries complain to Moscow. 

Keep prices down

The WHO urges Covid vaccine manufacturers to keep their prices low and affordable, after reports that two producers will raise the cost, they are charging the EU.

Travel boost

German airline Lufthansa says it halved its losses in the second quarter compared to a year ago, as pent-up demand for travel fuels uptake and travel restrictions ease.

Special treatment?

Google co-founder Larry Page is allowed into New Zealand, reportedly seeking hospital treatment for one of his children, prompting questions over why he was permitted to enter despite pandemic restrictions.

Rugby League World Cup postponed

This year's Rugby League World Cup has been postponed until next year, organizers announce, two weeks after Australia and New Zealand pulled out citing safety fears during the pandemic.

New York Auto Show off

The 121-year-old New York Auto Show scheduled for late August pulls the plug on its edition this year, citing the uptick in cases and new government measures.

Over 4.2 million dead

The coronavirus pandemic has killed at least 4,257,424 people worldwide since the virus first emerged in late 2019, according to an AFP compilation of official data. 

The US is the worst-affected country with 614,785 deaths, followed by Brazil with 559,607, India 426,290, Mexico 242,547, and Peru 196,673. 

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