King urges patient, holistic approach to reform

During the visit, King Abdullah will be accompanied by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II. (Photo: Jordan News)
(Photo: Jordan News)

AMMAN — His Majesty King Abdullah on Sunday met with a number of figures at tribal figure Daif Allah Al-Qallab residence in Zarqa to discuss the ongoing reform process, according to Al-Ghad News.اضافة اعلان

During the meeting, His Majesty reiterated that the political reform must include the economic and administrative reform, adding that the reform processes must be clear-cut and holistic so that Jordanians would know where they are heading.

The King also pointed out that the administrative reform process needs time to yield fruit, noting that the biggest challenge lies in easing regulations and procedures.

His Majesty also touched on the importance of decentralization, which, he said, requires more effort to move ahead with it.

His Majesty also stressed that the anti-corruption drive requires a teamwork spirit, reiterating that the e-government’s success will help curb this phenomena.

In June, the King formed the Royal Committee for Political Modernization, chaired by Senator Samir Rifai. The goal of the 92-strong panel is to modernize and improve Jordan’s political system, starting with the laws regulating political parties and elections. Two members have quit so far.
It is expected that the sub-committees will finish their work by August 15th.

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