Jordan celebrates the first International Day of Women Judges

(Photo: Al-Mamlaka)
AMMAN (JNews) — On Thursday, Jordan celebrated the first International Day of Women Judges, which falls on March 10 of each year, with the aim of promoting the full and equal participation of women at all levels of the judiciary, in addition to celebrating the achieved progress and raising awareness of the challenges ahead, according to al-mamlaka TV.اضافة اعلان

The United Nations indicated that women’s representation in the judiciary is the key to ensuring that courts represent citizens, address their concerns, and issue sound judgments, leading to improvement of the court’s legitimacy and sending a strong signal that they are open and available to those seeking fairness and justice.

According to data released Jordanian Judicial Council, the number of women judges reached 273 out of a total of 984 judges, constituting around 27.75 percent of Jordan's judges.

The number of women judges in the Public Prosecution Office, the Assistant Public Prosecutor, and the Assistant Chief of Administrative Public Prosecution reached 13, in addition to a one woman judge in the Inspection Department.

As for the judicial ranks, the number of women judges was distributed as follows: “first 13, second 21, third 58, fourth 72, fifth 38, sixth 49, seventh 15, special 6, and higher 1.”

The United Nations contended that Jordan has taken positive steps, including the appointment of women judges in high-ranking posts, and issuing regulations that give all judges the opportunity to apply to senior positions without any discrimination.

A report by ESCWA indicated that civil society institutions "played a role in this process, as the Arab Women's Legal Network provided a platform for women in the legal field, to exchange experiences and discuss common issues, while providing extensive training and capability-building for new and regular judges."

Taghreed Hikmat was chosen as the first woman judge in 1996. She gained the second-highest vote in the elections held at the United Nations to select experienced judges for membership in the International Tribunal from 2003 to 2011 to put war criminals in Rwanda before trial.  

Hikmat was the only Jordanian and Arab judge in that court, along with a large number of the most prominent judges in the world.

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