Gov’t promises to compensate farmers after dam dries up

Ministry of Agriculture
(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Minister of Agriculture Khaled Hneifat said that work is underway to develop alternatives and solutions for farmers after the drought that hit dams as a result of a poor rainy season last year.اضافة اعلان

Hneifat told Al-Ghad News that the Cabinet took a decision to amend the instructions for drilling wells to allow farmers in the central and southern Jordan Valley to dig wells and irrigate their crops.

He pointed out that the farmers who irrigate their crops from the Mujib Dam, have been allowed to irrigate the crops from the wells of the ministries of water and agriculture. As for the farmers who use water from the King Talal Dam, the Ministry of Water stated that there are 20 million cubic meters inside the dam.
As for the farmers who were affected after the drought hit Wala dam, Hneifat explained that they will be compensated, hoping that the Jordan will enjoy abundant rain this winter.

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