Efforts made to revive Jordan’s role in World Energy Council — official

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources  MEMR
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. (Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Officials at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) discussed with their counterparts in the World Energy Council (WEC), the mechanisms and procedures necessary to activate Jordanian participation in the council’s committees and activities and exchange expertise to develop the Kingdom’s energy sector, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.اضافة اعلان

According to a ministry statement on Saturday, head of the Jordanian National Committee/MEMR secretary-general, Amani Azzam, who chaired the Jordanian delegation, stressed the importance of the meeting to work on developing the Kingdom’s energy sector by holding technical and knowledge-driven exchange talks with other national committees regionally and globally.

In addition, Azzam stressed the importance of participating in technical action groups, particularly WEC’s Studies Committee, in addition to supporting the active youth in the Jordanian energy sector to participate better and engage them in setting the sector’s policies, by working jointly to create initiatives, campaigns, work teams and integrating in the decision-making processes.

For her part, director of MEMR Planning and Institutional Development, Shurooq Abdulghani, said the ministry re-formed the Jordanian National Committee (JNC) by the end of 2021 to include representatives from the energy sector institutions and stakeholders from government institutions, the private sector and a youth leader.

Abdulghani stressed that the JNC’s new team contributed to the participation of the “largest” possible number of national authorities to exchange knowledge and expertise and integrate work, emanating from MEMR’s belief in the importance of participatory action approach.

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